Mindfulness,  Nature Journaling

Earthing: Making the Connection

Earthing is a modern-day term for reconnecting to the electrical systems inherent in the earth. In a nutshell, it’s getting (temporarily) rid of the things that keep us disconnected from the earth and its electrical charge. Making that connection with the earth is easier than you’d think!

Striving for balance

It’s no secret. We are surrounded by positive ions all day long indoors through our phones, computers, TVs, and other electronic devices. They’re in the air, in the form of WiFi.

OK, so why is this important? Without going into the complex science of ions, we’re talking about a matter of balance. If there is an imbalance between positive and negative ions, all those positive ions wander about looking for balance — robbing other materials of their negative ions to find that balance. If all those extra positive ions are inside our body, they rob body tissues of their negative ions. This process is called oxidation. In the outside world, we call this rust.

Oxidation can wreak havoc with our bodies, causing discomfort and chronic disease. Earthing is one easy and free thing we can do to help counteract this process and achieve better balance.

Modern Clothing Blocks Our Connection

Just spending time outdoors, while great for our mental health and making deeper connections with the nature all around us, does not automatically give us that electrical connection that we need to stay balanced.

Modern clothing is made from fibers that are insulators against electrical currents. The rubber soles of our sneakers and boots are designed to keep us from slipping. They are more shock absorbant when we’re walking and running. Rubber resists oils and stains. But they are also fantastic insulators! This is why we need to kick them off once in a while.

The clothing we wear on our bodies is also a problem. The vast majority of clothing is made wholly or in part of polyester, which is spun plastic. Plastic is also a great insulator! Walk down the electrical parts aisle of any home improvement store. Electrical connectors are made of plastic, wires are coated with plastic and rubber insulation, and hand tools all have rubber or plastic grips! All great things if we’re working with high voltage electricity — not so much when we’re talking about connecting with the low electricity that naturally flows through our body and the earth!

Earthing — Making the Barefoot Connection

Turns out, the soles of our feet are perfectly designed to make this necessary electrical connection with the earth. Plus, most of us enjoy going barefoot — we’ve just forgotten as we became responsible adults who wear shoes!

If you haven’t gone barefoot in a long time, it feels, . . . I don’t know – wrong, weird? I promise, though, kick your shoes off in a patch of soft grass or sand or mud. Once you get past the weirdness, it becomes delight!

Going barefoot is freeing — release your feet from those  tight sock prisons! Dangle your tired tootsies in a creek or the ocean. Dig your toes into the sand or mud. Splash around in a puddle.

Go for a walk in the summer rain. Take a nap on the lawn.

But what if you aren’t in your own backyard? Wear your boots, but pack an extra pair of socks in your backpack. Sit down on a rock or fallen log, kick off your boots and socks, touch the earth, work in your nature journal, or just ‘be’. Put on a dry, clean pair of socks afterwards. You’ll find that dry socks will also make the rest of your hike better!

Best Places to Make the Earthing Connection

Ideally, we should look for places to go barefoot where we are not directly under power-lines, next to electrical towers, or near cell-phone towers. If possible, head to the beach or a wooded area where power-lines do not cross.

Honestly, we know that life is rarely ideal. So, the good news? You can still get the benefits from going barefoot wherever you happen to be. Concrete is not an insulator. You can walk barefoot on the sidewalk and get your daily dose of earth energy. If the only place you have to walk is under power lines, go for it! Every little bit helps. You can also make an effort to decrease your exposure to the extra positive ions from electronics in your home to help achieve that balance.

Wear natural fibers outdoors whenever you can. An all leather shoe with leather/hide soles will allow you to ground without going barefoot. Clothing made of cotton, bamboo, silk, linen, and wool are all natural and will not block you from the earth’s energy. What are you waiting for? Go make the connection, get earthing!

Spend your earthing time in an area with trees and you are also Forest Bathing  at the same time! You’ll never want to leave!

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