• Drawing

    Hone Your Drawing Skills with Coloring Pages

    How can you hone drawing skills with a coloring book?!

    Bear with me, I promise you won’t be disappointed! I have had a life-long love affair with crayons. It’s true! I remember as a child, the best part of ‘back to school’ was getting that brand new box of 64 Crayolas to start the year. Close your eyes — can you smell them?

    When the new crayons for school arrived, last year’s box became my play at home box. And boy did they get some use!

    So, what’s the point of that little story? Actually, not the crayons, but the coloring books!

    Coloring books have the power to help you get better at sketching and drawing. What? But the drawing is already completed, right? We just color in the image.

    And that is where the power lies. How will you color in the image? Will you use color at all?

    Grab a coloring page and a few tools and let’s get started. You’ll need:

    • A pen, pencil, or fine-line marker
    • Coloring media of your choice
      • Colored pencils — I use Prismacolor Premiere
      • Markers
      • Watercolor
      • Or yes, even crayons!
      • A coloring book page (you can download free ones from many sites, I’ve gotten these pages from Crayola’s website.)

    For these exercises, I prefer children’s coloring pages because they are usually just outlines without the added shading that many adult pages have. We’re going to be adding the shading ourselves!

    Use Color Variation For Shading

    The first technique we’re going to play with is creating shadows and shading with color. Let’s begin by choosing 3 shades of a color; a light, a medium, and a dark. I generally begin with coloring the entire area with the lightest shade. Make sure to leave the highlight white or very light. Putting the light color over the whole area kind of helps to tie and blend all the colors together a bit more seamlessly.

    Next, take the medium color and lay it down in the darkest and medium toned areas. Again layering the colors this way helps to tie all of the colors together. 

    Now for the darkest areas. When using colored pencil, I put down a bit of really dark purple — in Prismacolor pencils, it’s the Black Grape pencil. This helps to give the darkest areas a bit more depth. Use this one lightly, sparingly. Over the Black Grape goes your darkest shade.

    Make sure as you go that you are lightly blending all the colors together — in general, you don’t want harsh lines and transitions. Hard lines do happen in nature when the lighting is particularly bright, so this isn’t a hard and fast rule.

    Last step: Go over the whole image one last time with the lightest blue to blend everything together

    Now, step back a bit from your page. Doesn’t it look more life-like, 3 – dimensional?

    Keep practicing! Try imagining the light coming from different angles and see how that changes the drawing.

    Hone Those Drawing Skills Using Mark-Making

    Next up — let’s look at adding another dimension to the shadowed areas with a fine-line marker or pen. To play around with this process, you need to find a really simply done coloring page — one that doesn’t already have a lot of lines and shading. That’s what you’re here to do!

    For this technique you’ll need a waterproof (or at least a smear-proof) pen or marker, 3 shades of pink (or your own color choice), plus a dark purple.

    My favorite waterproof marker is the Faber Castel Pitt Artist Pen

    Any place where your chosen subject is round or goes around a corner, you’ll add some marks:

    • Hatching
    • Cross-hatching
    • Scribbles
    • Or a combination

    Make your marks darker and closer together in the deeper shadowed areas, lighter and farther apart in the mid-toned areas. Also think about following the contours of your subject — that alone will add an element of realism to your work.

    Using your pen, make hatches in the shadowed areas. Make the marks more solid and closer together in the deepest shadow areas; lighter and more spread apart in the mid-tone areas.

    If you choose, you can also add in color over the ink after you’ve given it sufficient time to dry. When adding color, follow the same procedure that we used in our first example.

    These are just 2 quick ways to practice realism and hone your drawing skills using a coloring book! Play! Have fun! Challenge yourself! Once you feel you’ve gotten the idea with the coloring pages, move on to use these shading techniques in your Nature Journal — you’ll be so happy you allowed yourself to play like when you were a child.

  • Art - General,  Drawing

    Anyone Can Draw: Yes, Even You!

    Drawing? In a Nature Journal? ‘But, I can’t draw!’ I have but one main thing to say about drawing, and I believe it to my core, . . . everyone can learn to draw.

    Busting the Myth: Inborn Talent and Drawing

    Artists are just born that way. They have some big advantage of being born with the genetic predisposition to be good at drawing. Which gene sequence was that? I forgot. Oh, that’s right, there isn’t one!

    Joking and sarcasm aside, I do really believe that anyone can learn to draw. I’ve seen it. I’ve lived it. I will say that some people get a bit of a head start. However, it’s because they are handed a crayon when they are toddlers, and never put it down. They graduate from crayons to pencils and paint. Drawing and painting are favorite activities all through their lives. But here’s the thing — they are better simply because they’ve had more practice time than you!

    Honestly, I believe this to be true of many things in life. Good guitar players live with their guitars in their hands; their fingers bloody and calloused from the hours of practice. A sweater gets knit one ugly stitch at a time. That one perfect cake is baked over and over until it is perfected. Musicians make music, knitters knit, bakers bake. You get better at drawing, . . .  by drawing.

    My Drawing Story

    I was the crayon kid. I have always loved to draw and color. Even though I did pretty well in school, I hated it. The part I loved? Shopping for school supplies at the end of summer. I remember that wonderful, brand-new box of crayons I got every year. Oh, I can be transported in time in an instant by the smell of a new box of crayons even today!

    My childhood inspired original drawing “potential”
    made with colored pencils on black paper

    As I got a bit older, I graduated to pencils. (My mother was not a fan of messes, so paint was not part of the equation.) I copied pictures from magazines. I stumbled upon shading with my fingers. My brother and I held ‘drawing contests’ where we took turns thinking of an object to doodle, then argued about who did a better drawing! (I was better at realism; he was better at cartoon-style illustration.)

    Then came adulting — sigh, . . . a ‘real’ job, a marriage, a child. The only things I drew now were silly doodles with my daughter.

    Kids grow, lives change. When my daughter turned 16, she got a job and I took drawing classes at a local art center. I was scared and shaky walking into that first class! What if I was too rusty? I was certain that I would be terrible at this, but I wanted it so badly, I gave it a shot. 

    , . . . and that is where I had an amazing instructor who took me back to the beginning and the basics that are common to all drawings.

    Drawing Skills: Begin at the Beginning

    Do you believe yet? Are you at least beginning to believe that you can learn to draw? If you’re still not convinced, take a few minutes and watch these two TED talks: ‘Why People Believe They Can’t Draw’ and ‘It’s Easy to Draw! Why is it Hard to Draw?’

    I love what Michael Rastovich said. (His video is linked above.) You start with one line. You don’t move on to the second line until the first one is correct. That’s a great truth. You learn to walk before you run. Begin at the beginning. It’s when we try to draw something complex without taking those first baby steps that makes us think we stink at drawing.

    So, where is the beginning? My art instructor started beginners off with understanding and using our drawing tools, moving through value studies, shapes and shading; and only after we had a handle on these basic exercises, did we move on to working on a complete drawing of our choosing. I believe it’s the perfect start.

    Are you ready to begin your drawing journey? Tomorrow’s skills begin with today’s decisions!

  • Nature Journaling

    Nature Journaling Without Leaving Home

    Nature journaling is on my mind now that summer is almost here! We had a nice, warm spring, but very wet, so I haven’t been able to get out to my favorite parks and hiking trails as much as I would have liked. I had big plans this week. My trails were all mapped out, my field bag ready to go. Then, mosquitoes. Yep, I slept with the window open the other night. It rained. Mosquitoes decided to feast on my feet! The bottoms of my feet! So now I’ve had to get imaginative and find things to nature journal without leaving home.

    A New Plan for Nature Journaling This Week

    Since I can’t comfortably hike until these bites heal, I’m dropping back to Plan B — nature journaling at home. While it’s nice getting out and about, why should staying home to work in my journal be any less an exciting adventure? Let’s take a look at what you might find to journal about during a week at home:

    • My vegetable garden
    • Bees on the flowers
    • Birds hopping around the yard
    • Plenty of squirrels to observe
    • The neighbor’s cat prowling through the yard
    • That interesting weed growing next to the fence
    • One of my many houseplants
    • The dog taking a snooze in the sun
    • Pill bugs under a rock
    • Cloud formations 

    So many ideas come to mind as I sit on the couch thinking and planning. I’m sure when I actually get outside, something else interesting will catch my eye. 

    General Drawing Practice: Without Leaving Home

    Something else I can do this week while I’m sidelined; drawing practice! I can go back to the very basics and do a few value studies or shading exercises to keep my skills sharp.

    This forced downtime is also a good time to get out a few books or comb the internet for anatomy to sketch. I’m really interested in birds, so I tend to draw them frequently. Drawings can be more accurate, if you understand the bone and muscle structure hiding under the feathers, so sketching the anatomy of a bird is a great way to spend some time this week.

    As a matter of fact, time spent studying the anatomy of many of the common things we sketch in our journals is never a waste of time! Knowing not only the anatomy of birds and mammals common to your area, but also understanding plant structure will help you to ‘see’ your subjects more accurately and make deeper connections.

    Live Camera Feeds: Africa in Your Nature Journal!

    Practice your gesture sketching in your jammies! All you need is your sketching materials, your computer, and an internet connection. You can watch animals on live camera feeds from around the world! How cool is that? 

    Always wanted to go on an African safari, but don’t have the money (or the time)? Navigate over to AfriCam ( www.africam.com ) for a real-time glimpse of the fauna of Africa and sketch to your heart’s content. Or how about a scuba diving adventure? You can’t sketch in real life while you’re diving, but you can capture live sea-life by using Live Feeds! Try ReefCam (www.reefcamtv.com ) or BreatheBonaire, ( www.breathebonaire.com )

    Find bees, birds, farm animals, and almost anything else you can think of at Explore ( www.explore.org ) and EarthCam. ( www.earthcam.com )

    All of this drawing practice is a way to nature journal without leaving home. It’s not often that I have mosquito bites all over my feet but there are rainy days, sick days and days I just don’t wanna put pants on,… don’t judge me, you know you’ve had some “no pants kinda days” ha! With all these options and ideas at your fingertips, there’s no excuse for times when you can’t get out of your own house and garden!